Santa Teresa Schools in San Jose, CA

As most of Santa Teresa is associated with the San Jose Postal Zip Code 95119 as well as 95123, here is a comprehensive list of public and private schools located in those San Jose neighborhoods with relevant contact information and the latest API scores:

Public Schools

School Name
Zip Code
Oak Grove Elementary Santa Teresa Elementary 6200 Encinal Dr. San Jose 95119-1514 408 227-3303
Oak Grove Elementary Baldwin Julia Elementary 280 Martinvale Ln San Jose 95119 408 226-3370
Oak Grove Elementary Bernal Intermediate Middle 6610 San Ignacio Ave. San Jose 95119-1935 408 578-5731
Oak Grove Elementary Alex Anderson Elementary 5800 Calpine Dr. San Jose 95123 408-225-6556
Oak Grove Elementary Oak Ridge Elementary 5920 Bufkin Dr. San Jose 95123-4308 408 578-5900
Oak Grove Elementary George Miner Elementary 5629 Lean Ave. San Jose 95123-3620 408 225-2144
Oak Grove Elementary Glider Elementary 511 Cozy Dr. San Jose 95123 408 227-1505
Oak Grove Elementary Bertha Taylor Elementary 410 Sautner Dr. San Jose 95123 408 226-0462
East Side Union High Santa Teresa High 6150 Snell Ave. San Jose 95123-4796 408 347-6200
East Side Union High Oak Grove High 285 Blossom Hill Rd. San Jose 95123-2048 408 347-6500

Private Schools

School Name
Zip Code
Bright Horizons 6120 Liska Ln. San Jose 95119 NON-RELIGIOUS 408 225-3276
Stratford School 6670 San Anselmo Way San Jose 95119 NON-RELIGIOUS 408 363-2130
St Stephen's Episcopal 420 Allegan Cir. San Jose 95123 RELIGIOUS (EPISCOPAL) 408 365-2927
Apostles Lutheran School 5828 Santa Teresa Blvd. San Jose 95123 RELIGIOUS (LUTHERAN) 408 578-4800

API Scores

School Name
Oak Grove Elementary Santa Teresa Elementary 892 896
Oak Grove Elementary Baldwin Julia Elementary 812 809
Oak Grove Elementary Bernal Intermediate Middle 862 864
Oak Grove Elementary Alex Anderson Elementary 794 799
Oak Grove Elementary Oak Ridge Elementary 836 840
Oak Grove Elementary George Miner Elementary 754 767
Oak Grove Elementary Glider Elementary 889 881
Oak Grove Elementary Bertha Taylor Elementary 903 903
East Side Union High Santa Teresa High 773 776
East Side Union High Oak Grove High 716 693

NB: On March 13, 2014, the State Board of Education (SBE) approved not to calculate the API for local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools for the 2014 and 2015 academic years. As a result, the 2014, 2015, and 2016 API reports will not be produced. The SBE and the California Department of Education (CDE) are in the process of developing a new accountability system to replace the API to better measure our State's educational goals.

The API Score

The Academic Performance Index (API) measures the performance and growth of schools and districts based on the test scores of students in grades 2 through 12. The California Department of Education (CDE) calculates the API and disseminates the results directly to schools and districts.

The API is a single number on a scale of 200 to 1,000 that indicates how well students in a school or district performed on the previous Spring tests.

The system is on a two-year cycle that gives a "base" score for the first year and a "growth" score in the second year:

  • The Base API score, usually released in the Spring comes from the previous Spring test scores
  • The Growth API score, released in October, comes from Spring test scores.

School Tips and Reviews

If you need to locate a school in the San Jose neighborhood you are planning to move in, check out first the Santa Clara County Office of Education.

The California Department of Education website is a great place to find and research data and statistics about the performance of California Schools.

I also like the School Performance Map for California, which enables you to locate the best schools in the San Jose area you are interested in and provides useful historical API scores for each school.

You can also find school ratings and reviews by parents for Elementary, Middle and High Schools on

This web site includes ratings and reviews by parents about Principal Leadership, Teacher Quality, Extracurricular Activities, Parent Involvement, Safety and Discipline in particular on a scale of 1 to 10. The website also provides an overview of a school’s test performance. The ratings are based strictly on test score performance for that state’s standardized tests.

Please note that private schools are not required to publicly report test results, so they do not have ratings or API scores.

Source: California Department of Education, Almaden Valley Chamber of Commerce